Tuesday 2 October 2012

Notes | The Virtual Revolution

The Virtual Revolution

·         Tim Burners Lee created the internet - he was English
·         The Well  -  1985
o   Created in San Francisco by Stuart Brand
·         Bill Gates – Founder of Microsoft
·         Mark Zuckerburg – founder of Facebook
·         Shawn Fanning – founder of Napster
o   Sharing music illegally
o   Changed music industry
o   It was shut down in 2001
·         Youtube – founded by Chad Hurley
o   First video was posted in 2005
o   Viewed more than 1 billion times a day
·         Huffington Past – Founded by Arianna Huffington
o   An aggregation site
o   Beginning of a “hybrid future”
·         Jimmy Wales – Founder of Wikipedia
·         There are 14 million articles on Wikipedia
o   They’re free to access
o   65 billion people use it a month
·         Ordinary people can author and edit content
o   Challenges authority – people power
§  Libertarianism/ counter culturalism
§  But how accurate is it?
·         Al Gore
o   Internet is an “empowering tool”
o   Its “exciting and revolutionary”
·         Stephen Fry
o   It has “unbelievable power”

·         2 billion people are now online worldwide
·          “Digital Divide”
o   Digital haves/digital have not’s
·         Quarter of the planet uses web
o   35 million people will log on a day
·         1 billion pounds a week are spent on the internet
·         5 million people uses internet dating website a week
·         40% of men use porn
·         Email created in 1965
·         Internet Explorer dominated 90% of the internet market

·         Blogging allows people to self-express
·         130 million blogs created in 2002
·         18 million people read blogs

·         No controlling authority
·         Allows people to be free
·         Threatens to subvert society
·         Web – Easier to produce and share
·         The internet revolution could be compared to the industrial revolution
·         The internet mirrors a hierarchy in our world
o   A counter revolution will inevitably follow
o   Colonised by new elites
o   No one can stop it

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