Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Notes | The Rise and Rise of UGC

The Rise and Rise of UGC

·         Big institutions used to create and broadcast news to a passive a receptive audience
·         New technology means audiences are no longer passive
·         Audiences become users and users become publishers
o   Old division between institution and audience eroded
·         Key to change = video phones, growth of internet, user dominated sites
·         “Citizen Journalist”
·         1991 – Police caught a guy called Rodney King and beat him up, it was filmed by an onlooker
o   Racism issues and caused civil unrest
o   Started LA riots
o   (video recording by onlookers much more common)
§  Footage easier to upload to internet
·         UGC; plays role in aspects of media
o   Participation in news orgs
§  Message boards
§  Chat rooms
§  Q&A
§  Polls
§  Blogs with comments
·         Social media sites – based around UGC
o   Bebo
o   MySpace
o   Youtube
o   Facebook
·         People turn to UGC to access news
o   Wikipedia News
o   Google News
o   YouTube
·         Asian Tsunami (December 26th 2004) – Turning point for UGC
o   Earlier footage – provided by citizens/”accidental journalists”
o   Later – social networking sites provided witness accounts and acted as a forum for people to share their experiences
·         London Bombings (July 5th 2005)
o   Footage from mobile phones uncompromising
o   First hand view
·         People have desires to tell their own stories and have their own moment of fame
o   May be the cause of the popularity of Facebook, etc
·         However, also has more negative outcomes:
o   Package of writngs, videos, photos from Seung Hui Cho – Virginia Tech massacre
o   Provided evidence and showed the account from his point of view
·         Twitter and Flickr came to forefront during Mumbai Bombings in India (late November 2008)
o   Bombs went off through city = worlds media got up to date with events through reports on Twitter and Flickr
§  But seen as controversial
·         As they were broadcasting their tweets, people may have been putting their lives at risk
·         Also on Twitter: Hudson River Plane Crash (January 15th 2009
o   Dramatic picture of plane half sinking in the river with passengers crowded of wing waiting to be rescued
§  Janis Krun tweeted:
§  “There’s a plane in the Hudson. I’m on a ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy.”
·         Therefore it was this citizen journalist – empowered by social networking sites – that first broke this story.

·         They still fulfil their old function of decided what is and isn’t news and what will and won’t be broadcast
·         You can send as much UGC to major news organisations as you want, but there will be no guarantee that it will be aired.
·         The way around gatekeepers is with independent media on the web
o   Blogosphere
§  Opportunity for niche views and for it to reach a wide audience
·         The change in the landscape of the news means that groups who had little access before may gain a voice through citizen journalism

·         It’s likely that in the future there will be fewer permanent trained staff at news organisations

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